Laurie and Matt Travel

A Country Of Contrasts

Lebanon Day 10


The morning started with our normal hotel breakfast as we said our goodbyes to Toni, the waiter that made us feel like royalty each morning.

Glass Blowing in Sarafand

After breakfast, we headed to Sarafand to visit a glass-blowing factory. Matt blew a small vase that was promptly thrown in the glass trash pile. Laurie shopped and bought some lovely glass pieces. She is hoping that everything arrives safely through all of the bumps and bangs over to the US.

Lunch in Tyre

The ever-resourceful Ismat knew of a great place for lunch in Tyre, our destination for the day’s trip. We enjoyed lunch at a local fish restaurant right on the beach.


After lunch, we visited the necropolis and hippodrome in Tyre. The number of ruins and antiquities that seem to go unknown in Lebanon is amazing. Our next visit was to another ruin site in Tyre that is partially on land and somewhat fallen into the sea.

At Your Service

David and his buddy showing us the hotel shorthand for “At Your Service”.

Final Dinner

Once back in Beirut, we went shopping for some packing materials and tape in hopes of packing the glass properly for the flight. We finished the day at a local spot around the corner from the hotel for a quick light dinner and talked about the trip and how Lebanon is a country of contrasts, spurred by this article.

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