Laurie and Matt Travel

Yala, yala! Waka, waka!

Home Bound

Heading Back Home

Since our trip brought together people from all over the world we all brought our local “germs” with us. Throughout the trip we all seemed to come down with “the plague”, as we called it. It was basically a head cold passed from person to person. Matt also picked up some sort of eye infection on the day before we were leaving. Looking back, it was probably not such a good idea for him to looks so closely at that donkey’s butthole we came across in the medina market 🤪. In hopes of not getting on a plane with sinus issues and Matt’s eye swollen shut, we spent our last morning of our trip searching for a pharmacy. We walked about 2 miles and found many different pharmacies, but all were closed. It all turned out all okay in the end, there was a pharmacy in the airport. The airport was only a short drive from our hotel and somehow we saw some random camels on the side of the road. Three flights later, (Marrakesh to Casablanca, Casablanca to NYC, NYC to Charlotte) and we were home, no travel issues or delays. We left our hotel at 10:45 AM Moroccan time (5:45 AM Charlotte) and arrived in Charlotte at 4:30 AM Moroccan time (11:30 PM Charlotte). Due to the long travel and no rest Laurie started feeling really rough and started getting sick, again. She had “the plague” earlier in the trip, but probably didn’t recovery fully to completely beat it.

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